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Why is it Listia does not stand behind it's trusted sellers? I left Listia a year ago; I worked hard to gain their trusted seller status, I mailed all my auctioned items the day after the auctions ended and my items go for a lot of credits. But then I got scrupulous bidders who wanted more for the items they bid so highly for. Listia gave them their credits back because I did not use tracking. I have won many things on Listia and unless it was big enough to require a box, nothing I ever won came with tracking. So I feel that when people feel they bid too much for my items they claimed they didn't receive them which left me wither the credits and the items I auctioned. But I like the concept of Listia, so I came back this year and now am being faced with the same thing, unscrupulous people claiming they didn't get their item and listia siding with them, giving them their credits back, despite the fact that when a large number of bidders didn't acknowledge getting their items I notified listia of the same. And they gave me the same excuse, the bidder got their credits back because I didn't use tracking. Listia recommends but does not require it and if you list as many auctions as I do it is much to costly to use tracking. Which defeats the purpose, I joined Listia to get things for my granddaughter that I could not afford to buy.

Asked by Stacy L. on 4/7/2015

16 Answers
castele l.5/5/2015

Stacy L
Some sellers can even display they really sent mail, they take digital photo when they send mail. They can even show out. But because listia recoginze tracking code. Even if you can even display the mail and correct address correct person, showing u had really sent mail, because no tracking code. Listia would still return all credit back to buyer.
Platz J.5/4/2015

Even towards the best friendship online person u have to use tracking code. This is done to find out which people are dishonest. When u really sent them things but saying you had never sent any
Mikey c.5/4/2015

Stacy - if sent to online people not real friends, must use tracking. This is to avoid dishonest friends (online people) saying that item was stolen during the mail
SangWoo K.5/4/2015

Stacy, it's not your fault it's you too easy believe online people are nice so not use tracking code.

To save yourself, put tracking code fee and shipping fee on every auction.
Ursula E.5/4/2015

If you send item to anyone online, must use tracking code. Next time in listia, state that winner must also buy tracking code. Without tracking code buyers can just claim u sent nothing to them.
Vicario L.5/4/2015

Listia is stupid, is a scam.
The F.4/24/2015

You have to understand, listia sells items on their own website. Too them, anyone else who is selling is competition for them.
Why would a website support it's competition..
Lisa H.4/7/2015

In my experience, Listia is more about getting as many members as possible without concern about retention. I worked very hard to be a 100% positive feedback user - I always used tracking and once even sent an item twice on my own dime because a new user had a strange address situation (it was not my fault). Then I buy something from a jerk seller and leave poor feedback because I had to open a dispute to get my item and the NEW seller then leaves ME poor feedback, ruining my 100% positive status and Listia basically told me "too bad so sad". Years of trusted seller activity helping to make Listia grow and then a NEW member who had a pattern of leaving abusive feedback to other long time members and Listia sides with the NOOB.

Listia has changed. It is no longer about people helping people and building a trusted community. It is about the bottom line - more members means more money from advertisers. And when I tried to have my account deleted, they just put it in stasis for me in case I want to go back (and leaving them the ability to still count me as a member).

Look at the number of 1 star ratings and I think you will see for yourself that Listia is not the quality site it used to be.
Rick K.4/7/2015

The best way to remedy this as well as catch the scammers is to ship with tracking, but not give the winner the tracking number. That way when the scammer says they didn't receive the package and opens a dispute then you can inform listia that they have received the package according to the tracking number, then block that person from your auctions. That is what I did. Listia is not going to do anything, because they make money by the amount of users, scammers or not become your own detective and block the riff raff. Check out my auctions if you would like, heres my username... ricksmazda. I always make good on my auctions. Lots of rings and recipes.
olivie o.5/5/2015

Even if you really sent item and take photo (use digi cam or cell) on mail before u put mail in, if without tracking code. Even if you show photo, as long as u no use tracking code. The credits would also be returned back to buyer.\\

Buy tracking code. In case if buyer is dishonest and file disputes, u can use tracking code to prove u really sent.

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