Can I order what I want each month or do you send me a box of whatever each month?

asked by Darlene D. on 6/6/19

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user acow8mylunch

If you are just a basic customer you shop whenever you want. You pay full price and have no obligation.
If you agree to always purchasing 35 points+ each month you get a 30-50% discount. You choose the products that you want but you will be sent a backup order should you forget. It is suggested you go into your account and pre select your favorites.
If you don't they will send an order of popular product. Always guaranteed!

I hope this helps, contact me to really learn how to do this. Fully understanding the basics is the key to success.

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Thumbnail of user brianh1123

You are in 100% control of what you shop for. There is no auto-ship with Melaleuca. You can shop as frequently or infrequently as you like. It's no different than shopping anywhere else.

People do get confused about what is called the, "back up order". This is NOT an auto-ship order because it might never ever ship. I've been shopping for 10 years and have NEVER seen a back up order.

If ever something happened whereby I did not need anything, I simply put the account on hold, which can last for 6 months. During that "hold" time, Melaleuca ships NOTHING and charges NOTHING.

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