What does "Direct Ancestor" imply?
Asked by Erik N. on 5/9/2016
4 Answers
William Z.5/18/2016
I believe a direct ancestor is someone without whom you would not be here. All your other ancestors are indirect.
Arthur J.4/16/2019
When the term ancestor is used correctly, there is no such thing as an "indirect" ancestor. For example, your grandfather's brother is not your ancestor based solely on that relationship.
Claire W.5/20/2016
Direct-line ancestor is someone from whom you descend in a direct line, parent to child, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc.
Graeme O.5/18/2016
One that only has Fathers and Mothers involved - that is for example; your mother's father's father's mother. But doesnot include spouse or sibling links.
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