Questions & Answers

Is it really free or are there hidden fees?

Asked by Kori K. on 8/17/2015

13 Answers
Cher M.4/12/2018

UNAUTHORIZED PAYMENTS TAKEN. $24.95 a month, EVERY month. Check your credit card companys protection plan and report them. You may not be liable for unauthorized charges and services not rendered. Also report misleading and false promises such as them telling you the charges will stop.
REPORT THEM TO YOUR STATE ATTORNEYS OFFICE! For newbies to the site... they will be so sweet and kind and tell you they will cancel. They will not. TAKE ACTION! The positive reviews are not from real customers.
Jeremy D.1/31/2016

Watch out man. Read the horror stories on here. They don't even revoke billing after requests have been made to terminate billing.
Joseph B.10/30/2018

Urgent Consumer Alert: Online Resume Scam... My Perfect Resume = My Perfect Scam

You're about to enter the job market and are understandably nervous. After all, you're going to be interviewing and - hopefully - making a good enough impression to land a job. But even before landing an interview, you need to make a favorable impression with your resume - and that means putting together an impressive resume, one that will elicit a positive response.

It is well known how important a good resume is; it will often determine whether you even get a chance to audition for the job. You want the format and wording to be just right, but where are you going to find a choice of templates to work with? You consider just winging it but this is too important, and frankly, you don't have much experience putting resumes together. Maybe you're a newbie and you've never done this before; perhaps you're looking for your next job, and the last resume you created is on paper somewhere, languishing in a long-forgotten drawer or file. Nowadays you have to email it... Whatever the case may be, you need help and you need it now! But where are you going to find the help you need for your all-important resume?

Wait, you're going to have to email it, so you're going to need it on pdf - and hey, everything is available online! Why not simply search "create resume" and see what comes up? You immediately go online and there it is: a beautiful website with a massive variety of templates, helpful tips - just about everything you need to create a beautiful, impressive resume. All you have to do is pay a $1.95 fee, don't worry we have a perfectly secure payment system, just enter your credit card info here, hey relax, it's only for a brief "trial period", just one more step now and you've got the key you've been looking for to open those job doors...

Enter the online resume scam. Created specifically to take advantage of just this situation, these con artists prey on the unaware, the unwary, the innocent job hunters. The company I personally had this experience with - as have many, many others out there - is My Perfect Resume. In reality it is The Perfect Scam, as a cursory Google search for "my Perfect Resume scam" will reveal. What I explain below is only one of the many ways this unscrupulous company is defrauding many good people like you every single day.

The way the scam works is simple:

* They think You The People are stupid.

* Therefore, they offer you a "free" trial, or ask for a nominal fee, say $1.95. Of course they'll need your credit card number, or your bank account number.

* You need a job, so you must have a resume. You give them your credit info. They think you gave it to them because you are stupid.

* What they don't know is that you gave it to them because You The People are essentially good - and therefore trusting.

* And then, they take advantage of your trust. Despite the fact that you cancelled your subscription well within the 30 day "trial period", they continued charging your credit card or bank account monthly, $24.95 or $34.95 etc... This can often go on for some time, accumulating hundreds, and for some, thousands of dollars in fraudulent charges.

* The result? Some criminal fat cats on a beach somewhere living high on the hog, kicking back and having a good chuckle, while shoveling caviar and guzzling champagne - that YOU paid for!

Did this happen to you, too? It happened to me (I have all the emails to prove it), and from what I've seen online, it has happened to many, many other victims. My Perfect Resume is actually The Perfect Scam and deserves the Mother of all Class-Action Suits. Of course first and foremost, be aware, and avoid this scam at all costs. But to the unfortunate people out there who've already fallen victim to these predators, I say: People, it's time to rise up and shine the light of truth on these loathsome criminals!

Let's all take action and join forces. Send your story, along with any documentation, emails or other evidence you may have to We will try to respond in a timely fashion, but please be patient; we're expecting thousands of responses.

IMPORTANT: Please make this go VIRAL. In order to stop this from going further, and for the Power of the People to be felt, we must notify as many people as possible. Let these criminals know that We The People won't take it anymore. Please post this on every single social media source you can think of, and forward to friends, family and acquaintances. You'll save many from being victimized, and TOGETHER we can see justice served!
Abraham L.10/5/2017

Do not use their service. I live in Canada so prices may vary. I saw their advertisement stating "$4/month" that's why I signed up. After checking my credit card bill in a month I was charged 4 times. First 2 transactions being really small ($1 and $1.95) but the last two was $34.95 and they weren't even charging every 4 weeks. Just random dates. I called their customer service twice. Both times left me on hold for over 30 mins then went to voice mail. It's a total scam.
Jo W.9/12/2017

Worst internet service ever experienced. All above are answers are spot on and don't understand when some people manage to get any sort of refund. All searches through google return their company as a FREE CV BUILDER. In reality you copy and paste bog standard job descriptions, faff about with formats, add to formulaic descriptions THEN CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH IT UNTIL YOU PAY £3.95. NOT HAPPY AS UNTIL THE MOMENT YOU DECIDE TO DOWNLOAD OR SAVE / PRINT ITS "FREE" but you spend so much time messing about n improving and maybe need for the next day (as I did) you agree - even to the "this will be repeated in two weeks." so its gone from Free to £8 just for clicking on job descriptions. Best part, they have your card and agreeing to T&C to pay and save actually signs you up to recurring subscription at £16.99 per month. Now £118 in down for a shit cv. They know what they're doing - DELIBERATELY MISLEADING and reported to several consumer groups. DO NOT USE.
Kent F.8/18/2015

They will railroad you into an automatic subscription after you finish working on your resume.
H S.8/17/2015

Its a trap!
Cindy H.8/17/2015

It is not really free, because you have to give your credit card number for the trial period. I tried to cancel twice before the trial was up and the company claims they didn't get my messages until the morning after the trial period expired. How convenient. I had the proof, so my credit card company refunded the difference because MyPerfectResume only gave me partial credit. It's definitely a scam, so don't waste your money. Also, I was not able to edit the formatting when I saved the resume to word. This "service" was a huge waste of my time.
Denise B.8/17/2015

It is NOT free. We got scammed for $70. Beware of very deceptive fees.
Donna L.8/17/2015

I agree with Cindy. I had formatting issues, trouble cancelling my trial membership. I entually got refunded the annual membership that I was charged immediately after the trial, but it took a lot of emails and phone calls to get assistance.

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