Yahoo News
Questions & Answers

What made you choose Yahoo News over similar businesses?

Asked by George C. on 4/21/2019

5 Answers
ANTHONY S.4/21/2019

I haven't used them just came here to review how left biased they truely are. This isnt a news outlet its a leftist shill page.
Steve S.11/17/2020

I have never depended on Yahoo news especially over the last 15 years nothing but lies progressivism or I should say digressivism
Duane B.10/8/2020

Not interested in Right-wing news either as those sites don't have enough depth.
George S.9/18/2020

I didn't chose. It was standard. I would never opt for such a poor example of news reporting.
Dwayne P.8/18/2020

The comment section.
Now Yahoo News is nothing to me anymore.

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