Yahoo News
Questions & Answers

Why did they suspend the comment section today?

Asked by omar k. on 7/22/2020

7 Answers
Chris B.11/12/2020

Because of overwhelming amount of disgusted long time users that refuse to believe their agenda.
Frank B.10/27/2020

So theres no opposition to there marxist/communism
DON M.9/5/2020

As it is a corrupt news organization of the left. Sad how they have been proved wrong.
Chris R.8/22/2020

Because YAHOO news knows the Comment section is truthful, and hurts their GOD Joe Biden's chance at winning the election... the comment section is able to call out the bias lies, and they HATE that... lool... YAHOO is the epitome of IDENTITY POLITICS all day everyday... Rinse Wash Repeat...
Dwayne P.8/18/2020

They terminated the comment section because the people commenting were smarter than their reporters. And were identifying lies, cheats, and thieves. In the Yahoo employee community. That and they were detrimental to the Democratic election campaign. And were told by the Dem to stop the comment section.
Kimon P.8/15/2020

Because they don't get the comments that they want - another way to censor conservatives.
deb j.10/10/2020

I don't work for Yahoo. Get your liberal personnel to answer this idiotic question.

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