Why so biased to the left??? Used to enjoy yahoo...no more. There hasn't been a positive story about ANY conservative on this site for 2 years.
Asked by eugene l. on 2/10/2019
9 Answers
ANTHONY S.4/21/2019
Sounds about right. I haven't seen anything remotely unbiased from them in god knows how long
Jason W.7/29/2019
I've been on yahoo mail for 20 years. Back in the day it was all opinion pieces from Vox, Business Insider and about 10 other very far left leaning smack outfits. Never did lean any other way. Now all the news feed comes from The Huffington Post.
Tim E.8/29/2020
Yahoo News is more concerned about putting out news that their advertisers approve of than to put out accurate, honest, unbiased, meaningful news. Sadly, it is all about money.
Steve S.11/17/2020
What better reason just to shut Yahoo down there's no more need for this kind of bias criminal intent
son s.11/11/2020
All the article writers are all biased. They are politically more leaning towards the left.
John C.10/29/2020
They are incredibly biased and I live thousands of miles away from USA. They just need to report news in a balanced manner, not have this deep hatred of Mr Trump. He won the last election by a very large majority voted by the American people.
Dwayne P.8/18/2020
President Trump is a great way for Yahoo/Verizon News to make money.
That's right Verizon own's Yahoo.
These two companies can care less about who they step on in order to make money.
For Yahoo, Online content and Advertising as a primary way to increase income growth.
So Verizon supports and aids Yahoo's News casting.
Sell all your Verizon stock as I did, At&t is slowly buying Verizon out.
Then Yahoo will be gone.
That's right Verizon own's Yahoo.
These two companies can care less about who they step on in order to make money.
For Yahoo, Online content and Advertising as a primary way to increase income growth.
So Verizon supports and aids Yahoo's News casting.
Sell all your Verizon stock as I did, At&t is slowly buying Verizon out.
Then Yahoo will be gone.
Jen M.6/28/2020
Cause they are owned by liberal left loving people. Thet try so hard to push liberal agenda it's not even worthy to call them a news network.
Clayton M.3/17/2020
I agree and they also seek to profit from using scare tactic headlines. Playing on people's fears when we should be coming together in a time such as this.
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