Questions & Answers

What is the policy if Nextdoor is informed that leads who hold political office are deleting politically unfavorable comments to manipulate opinions on the site? How does nextdoor decide to remove a lead?

Asked by richie l. on 5/31/2015

13 Answers
Kevin L.5/31/2015

Depending on whether it is the complainer or it is the offending Lead who is Gordon Strouse's favored winner, Nextdoor will either scold the complainer for violating the "always assume best intentions" rule or they will scold the Lead for "removing a message just because you don't like it". Nextdoor does not follow their own rules, which by the way, are so disorganized that they're word salad. Nextdoor has over 50k neighborhoods, and yet Gordon himself always intercepts and answers my emails to Last year when I was still Lead, Gordon also suspended my account, and a friends, and ORDERED us to demonstrate hacking the website. We refused, so he crippled our accounts and ordered us to get permission to do anything. Nextdoor then handed our group directly to the HOA which we existed to be an alternative!
Tinyurl com/seized-by-hoa
Michelle S.5/31/2015

Kay is right. That is their policy. However, don't expect them to hold to it. We have leads unfairly removing only some people's comments and Nextdoor does nothing about it. Best bet, dump nextdoor.
Susan S.5/31/2015

First, posted guidelines are not followed by Nextdoor themselves let alone the Leads in my community. As for political types. Our community is an HOA and the board of the HOA controls the LEADS on Nextdoor. I could go on... It sounds to me like mine is like many ither Nextdoor communities... something to avoid. Nothing good there as it is a oetty dictatorship. Agree with them or you have a lot of trouble.
David J.5/31/2015

Michelle S. Nailed it. Even worse, my own PRIVATE communications as a long time and current Nextdoor Lead was sent to a disruptive member by Gordon Strause, Nextdoor’s Director of Neighborhood Operations. So much for the bull crap "Privacy" policy. Nextdoor is about one thing and only one thing: recruiting membership for it's flat, unappealing and old-school message board right out of the 1980's at all costs. Well, with millions in OPM (Other People's Money) for advertising a lie that is. "Shysters" is probably too kind a word to describe this San Francisco based crew. 90% of what we do with our officers who cannot join in the area they patrol is done behind the scenes with crime victims and GOOD member who really want to see solutions not dribble or hype. You don't see Nextoor here refuting anything, right?
D H.5/31/2015

Link will do no good if you don't have a NextDoor account. Policies are not consistently adhered to and the bottom line, in determining if a member or lead is removed, is whether the posts/actions stand to benefit or hurt the membership numbers (that is all NextDoor really cares about).
BILL R.6/3/2015

Based on the fact that offices are based in San Francisco, figure the corporate bunch there are going to be mostly liberal leaning, or pro-Democratic Party types.
Amber G.6/1/2015

You can contact Corp but they don't care about anything but making money off advertising that will come soon. They've made the site "just" useful enough to grab a big list in many cities, now the ads will come. They will get richer and neighbors will continue to bicker about pretty much everything and keep referring more to join the stupid censored site where you have no right to say what you want without it being deleted by leads that are not voted in for their duty. Stay with Facebook and other social media places.

Https :// www.facebook. Com/l. Php? U=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes. Com%2F2015%2F03%2F04%2Ftechnology%2Fnextdoor-a-start-up-social-network-digs-deep-into-neighborhoods. Html%3Fsmid%3Dnytcore-iphone-share%26smprod%3Dnytcore-iphone&h=pAQHVd1Xb&hc_location=ufi
Kay L.5/31/2015

Here is a link with that information
colleen x.6/13/2018

Randy... "Most ALL discussion topics are NOT suitable for posting on the Main Newsfeed and should be limited to Groups set up for Open Discussions or a proper category."

And who decides what is 'suitable'? Why should discussions that offer valuable information regarding the community be shunted aside while discussions about dog poop get top billing?
Rachel M.5/31/2015

I never questioned their status in the community, but I was very concerned about personal posts with police in our area. It just seemed to be on a first name basis. The leads seemed to favor certain members, I did have people private message me concerned with deleted posts that were baseless. I also noticed the posts were politically leaning to one side.

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