Why did you ban me? What was offensive? Who made that decision when I used a term from Happy Days?
Asked by Evelyn H. on 5/14/2015
13 Answers
Allisa P.5/15/2015
Because they can. There is no oversight of the "Leads" which means they can do whatever they want regardless of the rules. That's why I rated nextdoor a one and deactivated my account with them.
Susan S.8/17/2015
Randy I read theirinfo and terms and conditions over and over and over ahain as they changed. Git me nowhere. Our commu ity was hijacked by a grifter who bought a house here, kined up a small group f cronies and tookover the commu ity and used Nextdoor to shut up anyone who did jot like it. It was, of course, to make money. Nextdoor never once agreed with me or helped and after spending a lot of time trying to rxplain, etc., the only thing to do was deactivate. You, Randy, sound like you work for Nextdoor. Truly horrible site.
David J.5/15/2015
Truth is like oil and water. As long as the scam artist have enough venture capital (other people's money) they will continue to shake the bottle leaving it a murky view obscuring the truth. Run out of cash, they'll be exposed for the incompetent boobs they are and the top dogs will clear out their bank accounts and move on to the next scam. One look at their "leading edge tech" pulled right out of the 1980's is proof enough they will die in the tar pits just like the fellow dinosaurs. Want a state of the art app? Check out https://wiggio.com or www.neighborhoodlink.com
Kan D.9/24/2018
It is not only the leads who are banning users, but the users themselves. You can use the little arrow beside each post and one of the options for reporting is harassment, etc. If you use this option, their automated system will immediately ban that user. The banned user will be clueless as to why they were banned. Their system is designed to promote an unhealthy social interaction.
As others have noted though, their system is a front for data mining and selling to advertisers. They also sell phone numbers to robocallers and emails to spammers, which is why you should always use a fake phone number and not your real email address.
As others have noted though, their system is a front for data mining and selling to advertisers. They also sell phone numbers to robocallers and emails to spammers, which is why you should always use a fake phone number and not your real email address.
lorraine l.5/30/2018
It's a site for small minds! You can tell by the response of the "neighbors" who remain silent instead of howling their protests when one of their "own" is removed from the site for expressing an opinion that is counter to the preferred opinion. The silence is deafening! And, don't get me started on the so called "leads". All put in place by the neighborhood board and never replaced year after year. They do as the BOD president and his cronies direct them. No Nextdoor mechanism to rebut the "removal" or "complaint", and no answers to any questions. Nextdoor should be federally investigated for promoting undemocratic policies that stifle free speech!
Sharon F.8/21/2018
It's funny how the one Lead answering these questions keeps telling everybody to read the terms. I actually got banned for posting the section of the guidelines in one of thirteen politically motivated threads by a single person. That person is still posting yet I am banned. Tell me that's not abuse of power.
Andrea D.8/25/2019
Yes leads can do whatever they want. I was banned for putting something up about the homeless. One person sent the lead an email and though it had 80 hits pro and con it was taken down. When I commented on the site that it was taken down the next hour I was banned.
S U.7/22/2018
Randy, you need to tell that to Bonnie B***h at Support and Gordon Strouse. There is no intended use other than to get as many people reading the site as much as possible. That's it! Rules are nonsense to them. Yes there is lead abuse, but there is massive ND Support abuse, shaming, lack of security to members, etc. everything that they say they stand against and are there to protect. I have never seen such hypocritical pathetically run Co. By Gordon Strouse assisted by Bonnie abusive no brain socially inept B***h The list goes on an on and on. I say this out of massive experience with this nutty immature ND Support team. They DO NOT follow their own rules and do BREACH everyone's agreement with them with not a second thought. It's days are numbered as they are currently getting close to being desperate as they eat through their finite cash. If I were one of the investors, I would look into criminal negligence. BTW, someone else here mentioned that the founder of ND is a felon or has had felony charges levied upon him.
colleen x.6/12/2018
Randy J. Reading the TOU is a waste of time when your ND community is spear headed with people (Leads) who should not hold that position. ND does not vet or train these individuals. There are some fine posts about dog poop, handymen recommendations etc, but some of us would like it to represent the entire community and take discussions further than jay walking. However, with ham handed Leads deleting entire boards they may find 'unsuitable' how is a community to grow, to learn acceptance and tolerance of one's neighbor?
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