Questions & Answers

What's a similar App with better ratings

Asked by Ifraj M. on 3/25/2016

14 Answers
Frank C.3/27/2016

Facebook. You can make it a private group if you chose. It's working so much better and no vitriol. Everyone in the group agrees when ever there is solicitation the post is deleted.
Frito C.3/27/2016

Neighborhood. Rocks is in development. Another 6 months.
Missy B.3/27/2016

I like next door.

JayA B.3/27/2016

Sorry to say, I do not. Stick with next door.
My m.3/28/2016

Unfortunately, Next door like other sites such as yelp controls free speech and the content. If you point out the obvious racist and discriminating comments and contest their position they remove your comment. I WILL NOT SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA. We have enough to handle besides dealing with these ignorant and unbalanced individuals. Take a good look at their supporters. Peace and harmony to all
Martha M.3/28/2016

Our 29 near by next door neighborhoods like the app. Abusers are what causes low ratings. Garbage in... If members post good info and questions, it works really well.
Tommy B.3/28/2016

I am the "Lead" for our neighborhood on We have over 300 units in our town home community, however, more than one member of the household can join 600 or more members having a Facebook chat every time someone made a post would be overwhelming. However, on, you can post not only to members of your community, but to members of nearby neighborhoods.

I am not sure why has such a low rating. Yes, may have some short comings, but but it allows some people to communicate with others in a matter Facebook can not handle. is pretty young and rather unknown. Some people will take advantage of whatever opportunity to screw over their neighbors. I haven't witness this myself. I have seen Board members enforce rules in manners that meet their own needs. does give you a place to for people to come together and overcome predators. does allow neighbors the voice their needs, wants and concerns. Sometimes the manner these feelings are expressed reflect their level of passion and distaste. I have seen neighbors cus each other and later apologize. I have deleted post I didn't think were appreciated, by my neighbors. I don't think should be judged by the negative posted you've seen. Please give it a try. You might be surprised. You might even enjoy getting to know your neighbors.
Chad V.3/27/2016

Nextdoor has spent a lot of money and made a lot of political connections to acquire top rating. They're not altruistic in this. They want your info and your connections. They reserve the right to hand administration of your neighborhood forum to someone they like. Are you an alt forum to your HOA's censored one? Nextdoor will wait until you're fully populated and then hand your forum over to the HOA. Facebook is your best bet, for ease of getting subscribers. There are hundreds of free blogs and forums to sign up for, and hosting your own is very cheap.
Heather D.10/13/2018

The simple concept of being a community friendly website is a great one. But, that's where it ends. I have seen very important security issues posted by residents only to be removed within hours. Then there is an uproar from the community as to why it was removed. None of the leads will respond. I have been kicked off of Nextdoor for some perceived slight to someone or something. I sent an email to corporate headquarters. Their response was basically that the leads have control over what stays and goes. Therefore, you have people who have nothing better to do than sit home and monitor every single post to make sure it doesn't personally offend them. Because of the toxicity of some residents who like to complain about everything and anything, many friends and neighbors of mine are leaving in droves. As I said, it is a great concept - except when you mix in people.
Scott N.3/27/2016

Just use a Facebook Group.

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