How is psychicjade

asked by Tealson P. on 8/13/15

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user koalab

Im sure the bad attitude is on your side, I saw you in oranum you are very rude and dont reply, and then you go in such forums and try slamming nice and honest gifted readers like psychic jade. Very bad attitude you have got but not psychicjade, she is a lovely person and very pretty, and you are just jealous.

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Thumbnail of user krisr65

Hm Might be the Bad attitude is on your side and you dont Trust your self behause She is so honest and true and obviously you can take the truth.

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Thumbnail of user harib3

Awesome, frineldy, super nice, a sweetheart.

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Thumbnail of user nicolep30

Hmmm I wouldn't trust her, she has a bad attitude. I have tried so many of them. They deal with too much astrology and guessing. I stop using them a while back ago. Once I realized that they were playing games and sending me updates, just to make money. It is very hard to tell who is gifted on there and who is not. Especially if your in a vulnerable situation or desperate about a man problem. Your liable to waist a lot of money, I know I did. I not sure if your interested. But I use ann teiss now from Ohio, she's pretty good. She deals with relationship issues, if that's your issue. She gives great guidance and support. She is authentic. Her predictions have came to pass. I also used faithful psychic Ross emboss who have reasonable prices. 10.00 for one question when he responds it is very detailed. He doesn't ask for d. O. b. Just use names. He doesn't ask question about your life before given you info, neither does ann. So I use both of them if I can't get a hold of Ann, I use Ross and both of there messages are pretty consistent with one another and there predictions were both true. My finally recommendation is tana hoy but he has a long waiting list. Ross it takes him 24 hours to respond, but accurate. I enjoy doing quick readings with Ann just for updates. But if you ever look at it from this perspective. How is it so easy for someone to do so many readings and actually connect with you so quick. An accurate reading takes meditation and spiritual connection and I never got that from oranum. All they do is marketing practices someone for private chat. They talk for a little while to warm you up. Or others who have a reading distract because they are bragging about a accurate reading. When you can go to yourself and find out about your self or your mate. It tells you about you and all the different problems you can encounter. Also you can look a the yearly predictions for you and your mate for free. You can aslo do a free numerology report. After you do that see if the psychic is telling you similar things, and you will understand about dealing with authentic psychic. I hope I have provided enough information for you.

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