asked by
on 7/26/17Their format has now changed. It is no longer just new samples on Tuesdays, it is every day now. My advise, you don't have to wait for an email just log In and request the samples you are interested in trying.
Go through the whole list,there is a variety of different samples to request. There are apps you can also download and in two weeks you get a survey on the game and anywhere from a $5-$10 amazon gift card. The games do not cost you any money.
In the new platform between requesting samples and downloading games you accumulate pinchme coins. Once you reach 600 coins then samples will be shipped to you. You will accumulate the coins quickly.
Pinchme still does not charge for shipping.
All they ask for you to share and show you using the items on instagram and X (formerly twitter), and to fill out their reveiw from them and to post your honest reveiw on X and Twitter.
They will usually send you an email. I qualify for at least one free sample every week. I mean I never get anything in the mail, but…you know.
If you're a member you'll automatically get the date sent to your email a week or two in advance. Otherwise they usually have it written on the top of the main page when you go to the site.