Hi I just want to ask i if I could change the location that I sent the money because they cannot get it in the location

asked by Amy S. on 5/5/20

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user jennas162


We have recently updated our product to make it easier for customers to edit transfers in progress. You can edit active transfers directly in our app or website to modify recipient name, address and phone number, cash pickup locations, recipient's bank account information, or delivery methods.

For more details please see our help center: https://help.remitly.com/s/article/how-to-edit-your-transfer

Thank you,

Jenna from Remitly

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Thumbnail of user abduli4

Should be able to. But it is impossible to contact the company to enable for this change to take place. They do not respond to any email. Their chat option and telephone are not functioning due to Covid-19 virus but the real reasons may to save money. I would suggest you write directly to the owner Mr Oppenheimer to resolve your immediate problems and then avoid them altogether. There are other companies offering better rates, fees and service

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