asked by
on 11/1/15Burn it! is not going to work with you at all. They are scam artists
Consider it an inexpensive lesson and don't invest any more time or concern. Site is itermittantly nonfunctional... rewards aren't worth the investment
They are horrible to work with so you may just be out of luck
As in my case nothing can be done. Website does not respond. The site is a scam and should be taken off the internet. Where are internet watchdogs?
I think you can't do anything in this case, anyway even if they were opening they are a liar.
There is really nothing you can do. All of the previous comments are correct.
You could try calling them at (800) 979-8985, but good luck with that.
Some certificates expire within a year. It is most likely no longer valid but you can still try the website
I have a few that I have had for a while and they specifically say that they do not expire.