Questions & Answers

I renewed a recent subscription and they charged me the full $135 and it said it was going to be over 6 months. What do I do. This is ridiculous

Asked by Kambra M. on 7/23/2019

4 Answers
Rosemary S.9/23/2020

Call your credit card company and challenge the charges.
Bonnie T.9/10/2020

That doesn't even sound like the correct amount that you would be charged... I'm sure you've already reached out to customer service... if you have, I'd just keep on them or contact whomever you paid with(bank, credit card)and ask their advice on how to handle the situation.
Jessica L.12/4/2019

Hi Kambra Apologies for the confusion caused. The price of a 2pcs/6-month fully paid subscription is $135 :) We hope this helps!
Michele W.10/23/2019

Over 6 months for what? On their website it says $135 for a 6 month subscription. What is "ridiculous"?

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