Does anyone use the free service, or do you have to pay upfront to get any leads?

asked by Denise M. on 4/16/20

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user deborao23

You have to pay upfront and they don't deliver any lead. If you get a lead it's sincerely inexistente fake or very off in what they are looking for. Do not use this service they scammed me and stole my money they delivered zero leads.

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Thumbnail of user robind708

They are shysters. They take your money to provide you with time consuming garbage leads -- most of which are not even valid. And BEWARE -- they will automatically charge your credit card a year later if you don't send them a notice IN WRITING ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE of your anniversary date that you want to cancel. I discovered this too late and they REFUSE to refund my $1650.

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Thumbnail of user tracim174

This company is a fraud - plain and simple. They demand money up front - i paid $1,995 up front with the promise of getting direct verified leads over the phone - notably, if successful, you are still required to give them 20% of your commission.

What happens in reality is that they send you leads that aren't even warm and expect you to work them and pay them 20% commission - so basically, they get your initial money and provide nothing of value

Stay clear away

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