What is the referral fee?

asked by Hazel H. on 8/13/19

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user maryz94

You don't have to worry about a referral fee because you will never get a valid referral. They are just people they look up in the white pages or something. They never have any idea what I'm talking about!

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Thumbnail of user maryp618

Referrals? What a Joke! This company took me for over $1000 and NEVER got me in front of a live person. PLEASE Do not let their charming sales calls lure you in--you will regret it!

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Thumbnail of user briano143

Yes, on all the leads taken from the radar, there is 20% commission share agreement

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Thumbnail of user nelis1

20% plus the upfront cost... but keep in mind they won't send you any good leads (they are definitely not confirmed referrals) so, save yourself your $1,200-1,500.

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Thumbnail of user johnk1855

When you close a contract you are obligated to pay them 20% of your commission.

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Thumbnail of user jeffh734

Yes, they take 20% per the contract. Since I have never received a valid leaden money has changed hands. Hard to get 20% out of a bad lead.

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Thumbnail of user parirh

I don't know how much they paid. I research on the company detail's. I think they paid well. Brian is right, they paid 20% commission. But when i don't know.

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