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I need to know how to return boots I purchased, they are too big
asked by
Niecy P.
5 days, 13 hours ago
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How to update my address on the ShoeDazzle app and how to new payment information
How do I return a shoe are exchange it
I understand how the membership works but I'm worried they're going to make it difficult to cancel it? Does anyone have experience with canceling?
Can I still receive my 1st order & cancel the membership within 24 to 48 hours W-OUT being charged for the monthly fee of 39.95?
SHOEDAZZLE DIDN't accpt my mastercard, my question4 those who did shopping, which card did U use? https://www.consumeraffairs.com/online/shoedazzle.html
How do I get my money refunded back to my account and cancel my VIP membership even if I don't want to use the credit?
I wanted to know if everyone always got their orders on time, mine is nearly a week late and I'm confused because I sent emails and never got an answe
Hola, cuánto tiempo tardan en llegar los pedidos apenas encargue unos pero quiero ver los detalles y no aparece cuando me llegan o no puedo rastrearlo
How do I get my money refunded back to my account and cancel my VIP membership even if I don't want to use the credit?
Why haven't I received my orders yet? I've ordered twice!
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