What made you choose Spiritualbeats.com over similar businesses?

asked by Daniel E. on 4/28/19

7 Answers
Thumbnail of user tylerp78

This was my first experience with something like this.

Helpful  (4)
Thumbnail of user karlam78

Refund policy, good support and a small selection of high quality modules.

Helpful  (2)
Thumbnail of user janets474

I heard about it from a friend who used it and had a good experience with them.

Helpful  (2)
Thumbnail of user seoc10

Its youtube ad talking about compression of binaural on youtube inferior...

Helpful  (0)
Thumbnail of user aarons325

Saw lots of good reviews and their full money back policy.

Helpful  (0)
Thumbnail of user amandeeps26

Youtube 75 percent discount and scientific research on the technology they are offering, it's 100 percent scam. Bastards took my money

Helpful  (0)
Thumbnail of user thatg13

I don't. I use YouTube as it's free. This site is a total scam

Helpful  (0)

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