Thrive Market
Questions & Answers

Read in the book "The Keto Diet" that Thrive memberships are free for students. Can't seem to find this information anywhere.

Asked by Luana H. on 3/26/2018

1 Answer
Thrive M.6/1/2018

Hi Luana,

Thrive Gives is one of the most important aspects of our mission as it allows us to make healthy living easy and affordable for ALL Americans. Thrive distributes the one-for-one memberships in partnership with charitable organizations who service families in need. Weve issued thousands of memberships to low income families, teachers, students, veterans, and first responders and we see no end in sight.
We're doing a number of things to make the membership more useful for Thrive Gives recipients. We are launching content and curriculum that will help educate Thrivers who are new to healthy living, which will be specifically targeted towards our Gives membership recipients. We have also merchandised a Staples section on our website to make the product catalog more accessible for our Thrive Gives families. There are many more improvements in progress that we're excited about!
How are candidates selected?
Our criteria looks at individual and family income as well as profession, including all veterans, teachers, students, and first responders. Our goal is to identify those who would benefit most from the gift of membership and free access to our savings and products.
How do you apply?
Think you or someone you know might qualify? Applications can be submitted directly on our website or by simply clicking here. Once submitted, please allow us 1-3 business days to reach out with the status of your application.
It's been so great to see the warm reception of our social mission! Thanks so much for expressing interest in Thrive Gives. And thanks for choosing Thrive Market.

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