How long do things take to ship to the U.S.?

asked by Taylor u. on 11/28/15

4 Answers
Thumbnail of user artl13

Smart buyers who don't know about TomTop will read the 1-star reviess. Shipping from TomTop is rather quick -- in my case it was only 8 days. What takes so much time is getting your defective product replaced or getting your money back -- in my case it was over 13 weeks. Good Luck.

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Thumbnail of user marcelr17

I strongly believe that all the positive reviews are from relatives of Tomtop, check them out, an add the results, easy to see the scam

Helpful  (2)
Thumbnail of user hakimn

I just posted my long rant earlier and read the above here. Art L and John D both described my situation. Customer serv is great but only until you have an issue.

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Thumbnail of user johnd450

There customer service is good. Just make sure to purchase tracking number on shipping.

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