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on 12/9/15No, there is no guarantee your purchase will be authentic. You take the chance of being sent a fake bag. Tradesy is notorious for giving site credits. BUYER BEWARE! If you do purchase a bag and you are sent a fake, contest the purchase through your credit card, google or Paypal and you can be protected against this site.
I bought 1 Louis Vuitton belt. They do guarantee it but only if you know it's fake and bring it to their sttention. And you only have 4 days to do that and then return in e weeks. My belt was horrible. Smell of chives. Brads were not even. I took pictures of it and let them know when I returned it, otherwise they might say you changed it. They only see the item if returned NOT before. I wS under impression they checked before listing. I won't use again
I've made 5 purchases from Tradesy and they have been authentic. I was skeptical about one purchase a Chanel bag and even though Tradesy confirmed authenticity I was still worried because of "super fakes" so I took the store credit instead and purchase another bag that I could verify authenticity in addition to just relying on Tradesy. Keep in mind that if you question authenticity that's the only time Tradesy will look into it for you... otherwise you are dealing directly with the seller.