This is a great chair, and very comfortable with the softest feeling materials covering it.It was easy to assemble. I am fat and 65 yrs old and I did it with my 2 yr. Old grandson "helping" me. After I placed the order the chair had one review, and that person loved the chair which made me feel confident I would have a good chair when it arrived(which it did on the 1st day of a wide arc of a timetable of when to be expected). This is a moderate big person chair so is wide enough for my expanded seat.It comes in a very large box so be aware of that and that the box weighs in at 45lbs. You might have to "tilt-toe" it along(which I did) to get it into the house and then I just slid it along the floor. Putting it together took less than 30 minutes and that included getting it out of the box. Love the chair!