It was up to me to prompt them to ship my order, because they didnt automatically do so. But after that they were very helpful in keeping my updated on everything having to do with my order. I love my purse and will be ordering from them again.
This website claims to be selling 7 star replica handbags, i have ordered from a website just like this one and have gotten my products but that website was shut down. These people of are the worst they make their website look so legit, they have all the right answers to all the questions you've got, and will be so prompt providing an order number and itemized order confirmation email. Everything will be perfect up untill you pay them, they will send you another email saying that they will send you a shipment tracking number, and nothing, no email no shipment, your moneys gone. Emails about why your oder has not been shipped will be met with no reply. Whatever you do, do not send these people any money whatever amount it may be, you might as well be throwing away.
I paid for my bag 2 months ago and never got it or any answer for my complaints. They are fake.Be careful.
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