They sell fake items. They say they are an outlet store but they are not. They post original pictures of the handbags and they sell it at least 50% off the real price of the original item. They are so fast with money, they encash your money then they tell you its out of stock. Waiting time is super long, and the items are such disapointment. Its totally not worth it, believe me. The measurements are wrong, the seams are haphazardly done, the materials so cheap imitation. Everything is all wrong, from service to the details of the products. This company is dishonest. Its very difficult to deal with them. Doesnt have contact number, just an email via They even ignore my emails. They are fooling the buyers. I told them i was very disapointed and extremely sad i was duped. I wanted to return, but they said if i return, i have to pay 6% commision fee. They dont want to tell me their address where to return the product. She gave me the math, telling me if i return the bag i would have to pay for the shipping, the commission, etc. and i would only get roughly 40$ out of the 147$ that i paid for their cheap product, without the bag. I said i dont care, i dont wanna keep the bag, but i want the refund because i have the right for it. They wouldnt let me return the bag and neither do they want to give me my refund. One day, bad karma will happen to them.
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