is a great way for students to feel rest assured about handing in a near flawless report and I was shocked by how quickly the results were returned! Thank you! I will recommend it to my friends! is a great way for students to feel rest assured about handing in a near flawless report and I was shocked by how quickly the results were returned! Thank you! I will recommend it to my friends!
It shows you text prases and matches with plagarism.
The software is free, but if you want to see a detailed report you need to pay for it. For sharing and writing reviews of this programe you can earn money. With this credits you can pay for the detailed report.
The best company. I am so excited. Saved me in various situations. Thanks very much to this company, without it I would not have done the work in time.
I always use this site when i want to check my report before submitting to university, it may get expensive if you want additional options, but it's worth it! is the best way to check students works in schools or universities. Whit that program students can writte any works much more easier than ussual.
I have used it for most of my academic writtings. It show me my faults, easy correct. It could be a little cheaper for a students, cause now it is a little expensive.
Great website if you need to check any scientific work. I helped me a lot because found found 10 percents of plagiatarism and then was I had a time to read and correct.
Great site! It helps me a lot. Of course, it could be a little cheaper for a students, but Thank you anyway! I will recommend it to my friends!
Great site! It helps me a lot. Of course, it could be a little cheaper for a students, but Thank you anyway! I will recommend
It checks documents very fast. It is always accurate. I would recommend it to all the students and teachers.
Best known plagiarism checker and plagiarism detection for students and etc. The website is innovative, fast and accurate. I recommend it!
So far it's a very good site to check what is coppied from the internet. Also it is a great way to learn too
This website helps me alot to find plagiate in my documents, im very happy and satisfiyed, recommend all to use this absolutely free website.
Aš čia esu tik dėl euriukų :D bet šiaip geras puslapis, tik labai gaila, kad mokamas. Šiandien daug kartų kėliau tą patį darbą, tai dabar reikia laukti kurį laiką, kol jį galėsiu vėl įkelti, bet nieko. $#*! happens. O šiaip tai viskas liuks.
Plagiato patikros įrankis, naudojamas 100+ šalių.
Drąsiai tyrinėk, klysk, bandyk, tobulink ir tobulėk! Puikus rašto darbas – mūsų bekompromisis pažadas tau.
Nuo įkūrimo 2011 metais Plag tapo patikima ir pasaulyje pripažįstama plagiato prevencijos platforma. Mūsų įrankis yra naudingas tiek studentams, norintiems tobulinti savo darbus ir tobulėti, tiek dėstytojams, siekiantiems užtikrinti nepriekaištingą akademinio sąžiningumo lygį savo mokymo įstaigoje.
Mūsų paslaugomis naudojasi klientai iš daugiau nei 120 šalių visame pasaulyje. Didžiausią dėmesį skiriame su tekstu susijusioms paslaugoms, ypač teksto sutapčių patikrai.
Plag technologija buvo nuo pat pradžių buvo kruopščiai kurta kaip daugiakalbė. Tai pirmasis pasaulyje iš tiesų daugiakalbis sutapčių aptikimo įrankis. Didžiuojamės galėdami pasiūlyti sutapčių patikros paslaugas asmenims visame pasaulyje. Nesvarbu, kur esi ir kokia kalba parašytas Tavo turinys, mūsų platforma pritaikyta patenkinti Tavo poreikius ir užtikrinti tikslią bei patikimą sutapčių patikrą.