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Huge Ravelry Fan Since 2010
June 24, 2022

Been a Ravelry member since 2010. Love it. The folks here are supportive, kind, and encouraging. Learned everything I need to know about weaving on a rigid heddle on Ravelry. Never had a problem with purchasing a pattern. Incredible collection of patterns (many of which are free). Wonderful forums and groups on every topic. (Harry Potter knitting - you got it; Spinners who like to weave, you got it!) If you're new to Ravelry, keep in mind that the vast majority of knitters on here are individuals, not big yarn companies or knitting designers. Knitting/crochet/weaving are passions. If they post and sell patterns, the vast majority will be helpful, supportive, and honest. But they may also have day jobs, so you may not hear back from them right away. All in all, I'd recommend Ravelry to anyone that wants to learn about the fiber arts and is looking for kind supportive people to engage with.

Date of experience: June 24, 2022
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Really Poor Response
March 14, 2022

Way back in November 21 I purchased a knitting pattern as a gift for my cousin. I made an error in typing her email address so she never received the pattern at this time - well, actually, she never has. This is why I need to let anyone purchasing a pattern for someone - don't make any typing mistakes! I have contacted the creator of the pattern numerous times (I've lost count) and also Ravelry. I feel very disgruntled at their lack of interest in giving me (or rather my cousin) what I paid for and not even having the courtesy to respond. I am loathed to purchase it again, as why should I support someone who can't be bothered with a very minor problem. It's not the cost - it's the principal of being ignored! Not a happy bunny. I will not be purchasing from Ravelry again - shame as there are so many talented creators. Buyers beware.

Date of experience: March 14, 2022
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Customer Service
February 23, 2021

I purchased a pattern 6 days ago and have yet been sent the link to download it. They have been paid according to my my bank and after over 6 emails sent to Ravelry I have received zero replies except for an automated response that someone will reply as soon as possible. Good thing I am not holding my breath. I have ordered from Ravelry in the past and did not encounter any issue but this is quite aggravating!

Date of experience: February 23, 2021
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Nauseatingly "woke"
March 31, 2021

I'm a rather politically moderate person, not American, not living in North America. Ravelry lost me as a customer with it's non-stop push of super left-wing agenda. Why must there be gay and trans flags at every turn? Why did they ban patterns or write-ups supporting one political party/ candidate and not another? I used to visit the site for information about yarn, reviews of knitting patterns etc. but having to wade through endless socio-political commentary (even the commentary that I agree with) became too much. Enough is enough.

Oh, and as an aside, I am able to access my account from my android phone but with exact same sign-in information, I cannot sign in on my laptop. This technical glitch was the last straw. Bye, gurl!

Date of experience: March 31, 2021
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This site and its makers and keepers have been and are creating a marvelous opportunity for fiber folk and designers to come together to talk about projects, learn something new, find new items to create and so much more. I cherish this place and the creators who fill it.

Date of experience: July 2, 2022
New Mexico
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I love Ravelry!
May 12, 2022

Ravelry is the best knitting/crochet website out there. I love the free patterns, and the way that pattern developers can become well-known through the website without necessarily getting their patterns in books. I also love the feature of being able to look at photos of other projects from a pattern. You can see how it looks on various body types if it's a garment, and then you can ask people questions through messaging.

Date of experience: May 12, 2022
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Former Ravelry Member
December 2, 2020

Hypocrites. I was on Ravelry since they began. They like to say they are all inclusive yet they discriminate against American Patriots who support the President of the United States simply because they do not support the current administration's political views. Their behavior is despicable. How ironic that they tout they are all inclusive but have chosen to cause divide in our knitting community over untrue statements regarding those who do not share the same views. Now they seem to be turning on the supporters that were left on the site when the Trump supporters left. Seems they thrive on drama.

Date of experience: December 2, 2020
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Does anyone else get an introduction about "the size of the human assh**e and how a racoon could fit up inside it when they access the Ravelry thread "Lazy, stupid, and godless"? I was thrashed by one of the moderators for "thread $#*!*ing" and just wonder if this what everyone else sees when they check out this forum on Ravelry. Is it funny or clever? I don't think so. Seems offensive and posted by someone who is strangely preoccupied. Lazy,... is billed as a sometimes wild forum but is primarily woke and conformist.

Date of experience: March 1, 2021
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I used to love Ravelry. I joined all the way back in 2009. I really hate that the main pages are filled with lesbian, gay and sexual images. This has really no place on a knitting, crochet and weaving database and website. This was the straw that broke the camels' back. I've had quite enough of the US election and all talks of Trump and all those who hate him. Politics also has no place on a crafting website. I'm not American and I was pretty sick of the forums filled with political hate against the president of the USA. But the last straw is with this gay, lesbian etc drawings on the main pages. This is waaay too much.

Date of experience: June 25, 2021
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I crochet for fun. I enjoy being with people who discuss yarn, patterns, styles, techniques, etc. I am not interested in combining politics and yarn nor skewering anyone who does not agree with me.

Crying shame too. It used to be a great tool for organizing patterns, yarns and materials.

Date of experience: May 24, 2022


Ravelry has a rating of 3.1 stars from 510 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with Ravelry most frequently mention fiber arts, white supremacy and social media. Ravelry ranks 1st among Yarns sites.
