WARNING to those of you who would order replica handbags from (all affiliated) replicasun.com/replicavalley.com and pursevalley.com. You will pay hundreds of dollars for cheap smelly plastic knockoffs that can be purchased off the street corner of any major city for $30. My suggetion is save your money and only order the real thing from official sites or reputable stores.
Ordered a bag in Dec and after waiting for 6 weeks I contacted them stating that I no longer wanted it because of the long wait. It was supposed to have arrived in 7 days. It did arrive after I cancelled it and after numerous e mails and chats, I was told to KEEP it because it would cost $80.00 to send it back. I thanked them for what they offered and thought what a great way to do business. I jsut receivd my latest credit card statement and they are trying to bill me for the bag. I am disputing it through my credit card company. This company is awful and they are scam artists.
I ordered 4 purses from pursevalley.com. First, delivery was late. Secondly, the quality is inferior. Third, they didn't have one of the purses I ordered so they cancelled without informing me. Fourth, I tried to call, email, and use live chat to get authorization to return the purses (they only allow 10 days for returns AND the package has to be mailed to China!) and they will not return my calls or emails. To make it all worse, I ordered 4 purses so I would get a 30% discount but because they cancelled part of my order and only sent 3 purses, I didn't receive a discount.
The quality of the purses is inferior. I have real Chanel purses and these are not even close. You can buy nicer, cheaper faux purses in L. A. for a fraction of the cost.
I started calling on Jan. 3,2011, and have called 4 times, emailed 4 times, and tried their "live chat" 4 times. I left my number in each case, and I have yet to receive any correspondence from them. I used a debit card to pay so I am very concerned.
I hope this blog prevents others from having the same thing happen to them.
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