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Ade M.

Edmonton, Canada

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1 Review by Ade

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Imperial Wealth Int. Is a spoof of They pretend to be a forex and crypto currency trading company, but they are just scammers. They even have a fake address in Ottawa ON.

I was scammed a total of 650 dollars so my case was not super bad, although it is still very bad especially in this current economy. I spoke to 3 fraudsters names "Brian", "Maurice" and "Joseph". Now I know those are definitely fake names too. Brian was my first account manager, he later stopped contacting me when I told him I wanted to withdraw 800 dollars, after my initial balance grew from 650 to $9000.

Then Maurice started calling me after two weeks of not hearing from brian, telling me that Brianhad a heart attack. Maurice grew the money further to about $25,000. I asked him again for a withdrawal then he stopped communicating too.

By now, its been 3 months dealing with these criminals then I was fully convinced it was a scam when the third guy Joseph told me I had to pay $3,000 as taxes before I could withdraw the initial 1000 from 2 months earlier. So I told him to take the money out from the now $35,000 account balance and simply send me $1000. He said i had to pay the taxes first, to the UK government (keep in mind that i am located in Canada).

S what I did was to destroy the account with 35,000 and did bad trades until it hit 150 bucks. Guess what? They called me right after! A new guy called and asked why I decimated the account, I told him to stop stealing money from people and I know my advise will fall on deaf ears, until he gets in a jam.

I will upload the video of how I decimated the 35k account to 150 so that you could do the same if you choose to. DONT FALL VICTIM, IMPERIAL WEALTH INT. IS A SCAM! There is another company named Imperial Wealth out of Australia, I think those guys might be legit.


Date of experience: October 16, 2023

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