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Alyssa K.

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1 Review by Alyssa

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I enjoy the clothes a lot! However I find that when I fail to skip the month and I am required to spend money that I wasn't planning on spending, especially in this economy, it grinds my gears. I even mentioned it to the customer service lady at fabletics and I couldn't be refunded my $55 because it was a "member credit."

Fabletics customer service also indicated that their customers find the monthly email reminder to "skip the month" to be a sufficient reminder. Either I don't get the email they are talking about, or if I do, the reminder must be so small, I don't have time to scour every email I get. This "reminder email" is not helpful to me.

I am part of another company that has a similar set up and they not only have plenty of communication about the shipment coming up and you have the opportunity to accept it or push it to another month, they also have an amazing return policy so I can be refunded if I forgot to push my shipment to another month. I get my money back.

I realize that everything that has bothered me about fabletics is probably in some fine print that I agreed to. But I still don't like it. I will be canceling soon.

Date of experience: February 4, 2023

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Jennifer M. – Fabletics Rep

Hello Alyssa,

We are glad you are enjoying our products! Your feedback about the VIP membership and the 'Skip the Month' option is important, and we would like to address this as quickly as possible. Our Member Services team will email you right away to assist you with your membership concerns.


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