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Amy M.

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2 Reviews by Amy

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    Cymax Stores

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Verified purchase

I do not think this company is legitimate. I can get no response from the contact email and phone number they gave me. The only time I get a response is if I have Amazon reach out to them (I purchased the furniture from Cymax through Amazon) and then the response is not a resolution. Not only that, but the shipping company has scheduled the delivery and then cancelled twice (each of those times I had to make arrangements to be available for the 8 hour delivery window). Currently, I am getting no reply from the seller or shipping company in response to my emails, texts, or calls. I would really like to receive the cabinet (I have waited a long time!), but at this point, I don't know what else to do but request a refund.

Tip for consumers:
This company is completely inept with customer service and follow-through. Thankfully, I ordered through Amazon, so I should be able to get a refund. I will NEVER order from this company again.

Products used:


Date of experience: February 17, 2023

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I am not sure it was super helpful in the rural area we live, but it felt good to be doing something to help bring her home.

Date of experience: July 8, 2019

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