I wanted to sell my LeBoy bag through VS a few months ago, and had no trouble finding a buyer for it. But when sending it to VS authentication team, the team said it was undoubtedly a fake one. I was shocked as I had bought it myself at the boutique, and I had also attached with the DUPLICATED RECEIPTS that I requested from boutique email, after all, who keeps a receipt for that long. Anyway, after they said it was a fake bag, I had to pay for them to send it back. But when I received my bag I was stunned with what I received, they put my bag in a very tiny box. And when I opened it, I saw that my bag had indeed been deformed. Since it was during lockdown at that time, I could only send pictures to Chanel after-sales and they told me that there was no way to fix the bag being squashed in this condition. I first contacted VS aftersales but got absolutely no response. So I posted a REVIEW on Trustpilot and they told me and I emailed them, but no reply. In fact, I replied shortly after, but they never bothered me again.