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At O.

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1 Review by At

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    Shari's Berries

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Ordered Shari's berries for my mother, who shared them with the family. All of the strawberries were tart and sweating, even as it came with a frozen ice pack and stored in the fridge. Had a copper-y aftertaste when bitten into and at one point caught a family member peeling the chocolate off the strawberries. Speaking of chocolate, the decorations (sprinkles, chocolate chips, etc) were not nearly as nice as seen on the website--nor were the strawberries as big. Standard shipping is $14.99, can you believe that?! Would not recommend or send to my worst enemy.


Date of experience: May 16, 2018

At Has Earned 3 Votes

At O.'s review of Shari's Berries earned 3 Very Helpful votes

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