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Kriss x.

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1 Review by Kriss

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This is my first time purchasing off this website, and I was really excited I was buying COC acct it send my ordered canceled or failed, but I go to my bank and it took the money out twice the both times i charged it because it kept saying it declined, but took the money from me

Date of experience: November 12, 2023

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PlayerAuctions T. – PlayerAuctions Rep

Hi Kriss,

I'm sorry for the concern this has caused you. The payment to us was declined because we found security considerations with the payment information; we cannot disclose information about this.

Rest assured, your money won't be taken. It was in charged status at this point and it has been canceled on our end already. You will be receiving a full refund in 7+ business days or less. If you still wish to buy, we would need to ask you to use a different card and payment option.

Kindly inform us if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Kriss Has Earned 1 Vote

Kriss X.'s review of PlayerAuctions earned a Very Helpful vote

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