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Caroline C.

Level 1 Contributor

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3 Reviews by Caroline

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Verified site experience

Date of experience: November 5, 2023

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    Jelly Belly

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There are many types of "want to be" jelly belly's. But the original Jelly Belly's are soo good. The flavors are great with the exception of the popcorn one. I like their chewy consistency as well. Many other types of jelly beans have a layer of sugar surrounding their chewy center, they tend to fall apart in the mouth. I don't care for that kind of jelly bean.

Date of experience: February 14, 2018

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    Shari's Berries

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I received a surprise package of Shari's Berries from my Fiance'. I had seen the commercials and they looked fabulous and so yummy. I opened the box of chocolate covered strawberries to find these small round strawberries. At first I thought that they were chocolate covered cherries. I bit into one and it was soft and had already gone bad. The second and third were still not ripe. 50% of the berry was still white? REALLY? I don't know what my Fiance' paid, but he overpaid and I would never purchase from this company again. I could do better to buy Strawberries at my local supermarket. Melt Hersheys chocolate and make my own chocolate covered strawberries.

Date of experience: February 14, 2018

Caroline Has Earned 3 Votes

Caroline C.'s review of Shari's Berries earned a Very Helpful vote

Caroline C.'s review of Jelly Belly earned 2 Very Helpful votes

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