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1 Review by CATHERINE

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I booked 2 flights via Kiwi. Com which were subsequently cancelled. I have been awaiting this refund from Kiwi since July 2020! They have used the excuse that they are awaiting a reply from the carriers. Moeover, I believe they are trying to wriggle out of refunding for the 2nd flight by stating an alternative return flight was arranged. But if I couldn't fly out, I couldn't return! They make all sorts of promises about guaranteeing flights during COVID. But these are evidently false. Do not book with KIWI! They evade their legal obligations and make fake promises. Additionally and unbelievably they openly apply charges for obtaining such refunds with their impkication being if you pay them, you will get a refund much quicker! Unbelievable! And illegal! Do not book with these. I will not do so ever again. Catherine O'Dwyer.

Date of experience: April 13, 2021

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