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Charlie W.

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1 Review by Charlie

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No matter how many time i provide my "payment receipt" i get told to submit it even though i follow their request each time! I don't know how many time i have to give them my paypal screenshot with the exact page of what they want but this is ridiculous. Went to PlayerAuctions Help Center to see if i could get any help, but they only redirect me back to the email support telling me to follow their request even though i did not even get another email back from the email support after my last reply and i told them the issue.


Date of experience: November 9, 2017

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PlayerAuctions T. – PlayerAuctions Rep

Hi Charlie,

I am sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused you, but I assure you that our Compliance team just want to get a good screenshot with all the details they'll need. Anyway, we sent you a PM. Please check on it as soon as you can.


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