I had them install the gutters on my house and carport and on my carport it don't seem like it's installed right how was I post to know 2 years later I see it's over flowing and they want a 95 dollar payment to come out and fix it when it's prolly been like that the whole time the front and end is full of water and the middle is over flowing Update now they are saying they want me to call like I haven't already duh...I'm not paying for u to come out to fix a problem u created the gutters are not clogged and have screws missing at the ends not the middle we the dame thing is sagging wow good job hassle me sum more thanks...
We understand that being a homeowner comes with many responsibilities and the last thing you want to do is clean your gutters. LeafFilter is considered "low-maintenance" because like any exterior part of your home there is some level of upkeep required. We do charge for services not outlined in your warranty. Normally, we don't negotiate these costs; however, if you would like to provide additional details or discuss further, please call 800-749-4566.