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Chris B.

Virginia, United States

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1 Review by Chris

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I am the owner of a contracting company that has been with Thumbtack for ten years, and just recently noticed that license is being shown as not verified. Thumbtack has my license, I have shown them we appear immediately on DPOR as a licensed contractor, and I have uploaded my license twice for them. I was also told that the name on our Thumbtack account doesn't match the name on the license. This is pure laziness on Thumbtack's part. Had they bothered to actually look at the license they would have seen that my business's principal is shown on line one, which is immediately followed by my business's dba. The dba matches the name of our Thumbtack account. Furthermore, the email that was sent me stating this is from a donotreply email, so I have no way of emailing them back. When calling in it's Thumbtack policy that I cannot speak with the verification team.
I have to speak with a low level agent, who is "apparently" is also not allowed to speak with the verification team. They can only pass along messages. How can they possibly fine this efficient? At any rate, the license is still showing as not verified. I was told that the team that handles license verification should need no more than 1-2 business to verify the documentation I provided. It's now been five days! All the while potential clients are seeing my business as not a verified contractor, and I might be losing out on jobs. However, Thumbtack has no issue with me billing for leads. Thumbtack is a very poorly ran company!

Products used:
Lead Services


Date of experience: February 28, 2024

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