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Chris C.

Los Angeles

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1 Review by Chris

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When I discovered and the great airline prices they offered, I was ecstatic. I could fly from LA to Europe for under $1k. They even offered to handle check-in and give me my boarding passes directly. Caveat emptor. They're an awful sham. The night before I had a flight from London to LA, I went to check in for my flight. The airline didn't have my reservation. Kiwi, however, had sent me confirmation of payment and reservation. So after spending hours on the phone with the airline and Kiwi, the two finally connected directly to resolve my issue. But instead of fixing the glitch, kiwi just canceled my booking and sent me a refund. I attempted to contact customer service to request they book me a new flight (since my original flight was in less than 12 hours). Instead, the agent simply told me she "understands" and thought explaining the snafu would pacify me. I asked that she escalate my request to her supervisor. After putting me on hold, she refused to connect me, stating there was nothing they could do. So I ended up having to book a new flight last minute for double the price. Thanks, Kiwi, for $#*!ing me in the $#*!. If you're reading this, don't give your money to this hack company.

Tip for consumers:
Don't bother.

Products used:


Date of experience: February 27, 2023

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