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Cindy L.

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1 Review by Cindy

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    Thrive Market

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I just placed my third order with Thrive since joining only a month ago and so far I've been happy with the prices and the products. My nearest Trader Joe's and Whole Foods is more than 2 hours away, and when I traveled more and was in that part of the state, I used to stock up on items that I can't get in stores closer to me. In the past several months, I haven't gone far from home and I've missed having some products, or I have to pay a lot more for them if they are available locally. Thrive has made quarantine times a little easier and has added back some normalcy to my diet choices without destroying my budget. I'll have to be careful though, about the tempting sales and free gift offers that are sent often.

Date of experience: July 23, 2020

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Thrive M. – Thrive Market Rep

We're so glad to hear we've been able to make your shopping a bit easier during this time, thanks for being a member!

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