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2 Reviews by CY

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The order Dress was a smaller fit and the other dress was not long enough so I'm wearing it as a shirt

Reason I chose this business:

Beautiful clothing, designs

Reason I chose this product:

I thought it would have fitted perfect

* ChicMe attempted to help this customer through the Sitejabber Resolution Center, but the customer did not respond


Date of experience: October 26, 2022

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ADT have left me in a bad place, I have no outdoors security camera with floodlight never installed. The Loyalty Department never mentioned that I would have to pay for electrician to come to install the google security camera the young lady mentioned that the installation would be no charge since they're ADT security camera was not recording after midnight. As of today still no security camera installed a photo of the camera sitting on my dinner table by the ADT tech cause he was waiting on the electrician that the loyalty department had punish that would be taken care of and I would have a zero balance due when they have completed the installation... No Security camera installed yet, just sitting on my table. Pissed Off!


Date of experience: October 14, 2022

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