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daria l.

Boston, United States

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1 Review by daria

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    Alo Yoga

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Nice colors & designs but after a few washes looks like crap, gets stretched out too. Hate Alo yoga apparel! Also as you wear it, it gets bigger from the heat of your body or something and supports less and less througout the day(s).
Whereas lululemon for example which is the same price looks like new for years after even ******* washes. Will never buy alo yoga ever again no matter how beautiful it's made to look in the promotional photo. They also spam you the minute you walk into a store or pass their store by, i had to unsubscribe repeatedly. Wear that crap yourselves. I'm not paying premium price to wear chinesium leggings for only 2-3 months and then toss it.

Date of experience: September 26, 2022

daria Has Earned 2 Votes

Daria L.'s review of Alo Yoga earned 2 Very Helpful votes

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