Was on this and getnaughty.com both the same B. Islands based company. Not long after I sent a pretty negative email via contact info and shortly after my cell phone stopped working, I. E. no signal/service. Went to Metro office and they spent about an hour troubleshooting but only after I mentioned the hacking potential did they confirm it was highly possible that's what happened. There is also a company out of an island offshore of France which runs several fake sites, and I believe they may be affiliated with each other. Basically if they are offshore they are all basically in the same racket and not one to be trifled with as I learned the hard way. Also I know the major hurricane that recently struck the islands out there did a lot of damage, but unfortunately they survived,... i know terrible thing to say but as far as human beings go... well you get my point! One day these people are going to piss off the wrong person and God help them then!