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Deborah L D.

Washington, United States

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1 Review by Deborah L

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I ordered Covid rapid test kits from a drugstore. After "rescheduling" the delivery twice, the package had not come. I called Door Dash. They said this was the driver's first delivery and she had the wrong address. My copy of the order clearly had the right address. Door Dash told me the driver had returned the items to the drugstore. I called the drugstore and found out the driver had attempted to return the test kits for a refund and had not left the package there. Two days and numerous phone calls later, I'm expecting a refund and do have a reference number for it, but I suspect drivers are not adequately vetted nor trained and I will never again request delivery from a merchant who uses Door Dash.

Tip for consumers:
This service is not dependable.


Date of experience: March 23, 2022

Deborah L Has Earned 1 Vote

Deborah L D.'s review of Doordash earned a Very Helpful vote

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