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Devin U.

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1 Review by Devin

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The credit system,is greedy garbage,I could be wasting my time on bots,therefore wasting credits

Date of experience: December 25, 2022

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Support Team E. – EasternHoneys Rep

Dear Devin,

Thank you for the review!

Could you please be so kind as to specify what you exactly do not like about our credit system?

Let me please inform you that we have a bonus loyalty system. Would you like to know more about this?

As an alternative, you still have access thousands of users' profiles absolutely for free. You can view their photos and check your conversation history without any credits required.

Please, be kindly informed that we check members' profiles carefully. Firstly, in order to register, every user takes a short video of herself holding the ID, stating the current date, and confirming his/her consent for the registration out loud. Secondly, we verify if the information provided in the registration video corresponds to his/her profile info. Thus, we can assure the person you are talking to is the person you see in the profile.

Also, please note that we can review your case individually if you provide us with the member's ID and more details. So we can double-check the verification of such a member.

Should you have any questions, please contact us back via We will be glad to help you.

Best regards,
Eastern Honeys Customer Support

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