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Doug V.

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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2 Reviews by Doug

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After years of dealing with them, they believe their system cannot have a glitch when I've tried renew my subscription with the Royal Bank on the line with me, telling me that it's being declined because Asian days system is changing my information, but they say there is no way that can happen Heck I had that with my TV provider when I lost Netflix but they at least had the decency to say yes we did have a glitch and we found it. I had a person was ready to come to and wanted me to call her, but that isn't gonna happen because Asian dating can't make mistakes or Can they they truly screwed me over with their arrogance. If you have a set as similar experience, you can contact Douglas Vosper, Victoria, BC on Facebook don't be screwed by them. I would love to hear others that I've had problems with the site. Thank you.

Date of experience: January 30, 2024

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Asian dating I spent thousands of dollars over the last few years and all of a sudden this year they had a glitch in their system. They kept changing my CV number for my credit card although even though I had the bank on the line every time they down my resubscribe, saying the finances weren't there, even though my bank says that every time I entered the 266 for my CV number their system changed it to 262 then they had the arrogance to tell me that I didn't know what I was doing even though the bank was on the system with me there's was full proof I do not recommend Asian dating as I feel it is a big scam and I will tell you this and day out

Date of experience: January 30, 2024

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Alexander S. – AsianDate Rep

Dear Doug, thank you for leaving your comment. We are sorry about this situation and would like to get you through this issue. Rest assured that your personal information particularly your payment details are completely secured, thus to take a closer look into this matter, we’d appreciate it if you could write back to us at

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