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Elizabeth C.


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1 Review by Elizabeth

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I have made lots and lots of complaints about all the glitches on farmville 3 they fix nothing they blame the player they say its our internet its not its their crapoy game. They say we are doing it wrong or our internet is slow all my other games work! They have a ballon race 1 of the tasks is to collect the same veg 70 or 80 times. You do that andcit does collect them then later it tells you to do it again with a different veg and it stops counting the veg you collect si you fail that task. It does that iften and they blame you or your internet. Then it will tell you to make so many of an item you do that first timevit collects all of them again the 2nd time it again stops collecting so you fail again you cant move up higher in the levels. Another thing it does is tell you to upload farmville 3 it takes 30 minutes then it wont open the game so today i have uploaded the game 3 times it still wont open.avoid this oiece of crap

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Date of experience: February 9, 2024

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