I been a tmobile customer for 14 years and I can't believe I'm still with them. This is the definetly the last month with them I rather not have a phone. I CALLED in to make a payment and the charge me a stupid $5 fee to make a payment early, and the only reason was, I work crazy hours and for some reason I can get there app to take my payment. But that's not even the worst part I just bought the new S8 phone and paid it in full cash. Once I got home it wouldn't work so I CALLED in and they told me it was not set up on there end and they had to charge me a $20 upgrade charge for it to work properly. That right there is some B. S. I just paid tmobile $750 now they want another 20 to allow it to work, A big $#*! YOU tmobile way to rob your long time customer I mean ex-customer