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Francisco C.

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1 Review by Francisco

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    Focus Camera

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I contacted Focuscamera thru Ebay to confirm the item described was indeed the one I am ready to purchase from them and Raul in TWO times approved the item description and price. I paid for the Fiio M17 and I was charged immediately to my credit card. The product was shipped within three days and after waiting about a week, just one day prior for FedEx to delivery it THEY canceled the delivery. I contacted them again to figure out the reason and Raul started blaming me saying I CANCELED IT. FedEx said the SELLER requested the product back NOT ME. The next day they were saying there was a mistake on the product sent out to me and they will refund the money back paid by me. Beware when dealing with this company. They will not honor their product nor descriptions errors on their end. Customer service has been generally useless to deal with. Customers considering products from Focus Camera can easily find a better customer experience from another seller/vendor. Buyers beware. Do NOT believe these reps Joyce P, Raul, Saiyad, Joe they are misleading customer service representative people. Horrific experience. Not saying I missed the Friday Thanksgiving specials waiting this company to stand behind their mistakes. A customer satisfaction must be first. Also Focuscamera claim to be FIIO USA retailer and is NOT TRUE check Fiio official website. Scams. They hire FedEx with a low shipping rates that they will not ask for signature when a cost of thousand or more dollars items are delivered left at your door.

Date of experience: December 2, 2023

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